Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Week 6 - Practical Design Projects

Week 6 - Practical Design Projects

This unit, we'll examine a few elements and principles of design to apply some of our newly acquired skills with Adobe Illustrator's Pen tool (P), and pick up a few tricks for drawing simple shapes with high precision to depict common sights in the world.

There are FOUR parts to the assignment for this week.
Students in period 6, skip down to the Additional Resources.

(1) TASK 1 Design Terminology - Define the following design terms and locate at least two example images from the Internet that illustrate the term.  Please properly site and attribute the url source in the caption of each photo

 Contrast: the state of being strikingly different from something else, typically something in juxtaposition or close association.

Emphasisspecial importance, value, or prominence given to something.

- Balance: an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady

Proportioncomparative relation between things or magnitudes as to size, quantity, number, etc.; ratio.

Perspectivethe art of drawing solid objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other when viewed from a particular point.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

TASK 1 - Google Doodle Emily Noether diifucult challenge

TASK 1 - Google Doodle Emily Noether

Read the Google Doodle article about Emily Noether's accomplishments on her 133rd birthday, and write one paragraph describing a challenge that you've had to face in order to achieve a goal.  Compare a specific instance in your life to a difficulty Noether must have been confronted with, and argue why you will also succeed in your pursuits.

 A Diffult challege i have over come in this class is not to give up because. When i fisrt came into to the class it was very hard and irritaing to me i didnt understand anything . I was becoming so stressful becausee i was very confused about the work in the class. Ive came along way cause ive been helped and explaine to plenty of times, buht lets  not forget im still working on get better  with using the tools and creating diffrent vectors . This class  can  get very hard at times buht i just real try not to give up .

MONDAY, MARCH 16, 2015 Week 10a - Monday Detailed Vecto

1. Building or landmark- staple center, Mann Chinese theater, LAX theme building 
2. Article of clothing- shoe, chain necklace, baseball cap
3. A person engaged in activity: sport, household chore, job duty, etc.
4. A handheld tool or device with multiple textures, materials, colors, reflections and shadows- a hammer, an axe, flashlight, keys, padlock

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


(1) Defining terms related to concepts in Visual Communication; for each term do the following:
a.) type the word, itself, b.) explain the meaning, c.) give an example by re-posting a picture found online

- Alphabet
is a standard set of letters

-Street sign
street signs are used to identify diffrent way or direction

a picture that u want to promote to get buyers attention

a  specific area

-ASCII symbols
 its a 7bit character code

-Electronic symbols

diffrent sybols using electonic ways

-morsecode transmitting information using diffrent things

-American Sign Language a spoken launge using hand movements

Glyph a symbol that can represent something 

2)  Research the following background details of each symbol.  

Describe the sign in brief. (What is the picture a symbol of?)
What does the image mean? (What does the sign intend for the viewer to do when he/she sees it?)
Where is usually found?
[NOTE: Click on the picture to make it appear larger]

11. telophone
12. hikeing
20. kiaking 
21. skeing
23.snowmobile skating back riding house riding
30.motor cycle
32. gas
34. trashcan
36. nurse
37. hospitail
39. golf
40. fire
41. throw away
42. recycle
43. dog walking
45. ambulance
46. loading zone

In a few brief sentences, please explain what exactly do the stars, stripes, and colors present in the official flag of the United States of America symbolize?

the vertical stripes are those used in the fag of the united states of america ;white signafies pority and innocience ,red hardlines  and volour  and blue  , the color of the cheif  the broad band above signifies  vigalance, perserverance   and justices 
'' the star is a symbol of the heavens and the devine goal which means  man has aspired  from immemorial the stripe is symbolic of the rays and light .

a.) Define the term calligram  What is a calligram?
b.) Find three separate images to post onto your blog as examples of calligrams.  In the caption beneath each picture, identify the word contained in the calligram, and what is being shown.
c.) See the examples below.  Copy each image to your blog, and in the caption identify each calligram - what is the image, and essentially what is the text saying.

a)~ a calligram is a poem ,phrase,or word in which the tyoe face ,calligraphy or hand writting is arranged in a way that creates a visual image .

this a calligram of mouse  they used the outline of thhe word to make a picture of a mouse


This a calligram of a apple  thesy wrote he word apple out plenty of times enough for people to understand the cocept of the picture.



ex: this  a calligram of an ant they describe in in the poutine of the ant 

a.) Define the term pictogram.  What is a pictogram?
b.) Find three separate images to post onto your blog as examples of pictograms.  In the caption beneath each picture, explain what the pictogram is displaying, and what the viewer is meant to do, think, or feel when he or she sees the image.
c.) See the examples below.  Copy each image to your blog, and in the caption identify each pictogram activity.
~a pictogram is a icon that can be shown and for use of definition  to figure out what the picture means or is showing

a pictograph symbol for a word or a phrase  .pictoghraps were used as the earliest known form of writing 

 a pictorial represent of statisctisc on a chart, graph or computer 

1) is aperson going on escalater 
2) a baby with a diaper on  is the second pictogram 
3) trafic is the 3rd pictogram

a.) Define the term rebus.  What is a rebus?
b.) Find three pictures of a rebus puzzle, and attempt to translate the symbols used in the rebus into a sentence in plain English.  Write a second sentence that describes what images are used in the rebus.
c.) See the examples below.  Copy each image to your blog, and in the caption translate the meaning of the rebus.

~is an allusion device that uses pictures to represent words or parts of words.
~a puzzle in which words are represented by combinations of pictures and individual
